Scrutiny Commissioners

The four Scrutiny Commissioners are responsible for leading the Overview and Scrutiny process, deciding on priority issues for Overview and Scrutiny Committees and areas that could be reviewed by a Scrutiny Review Panel.

The Scrutiny Commissioners are appointed at the annual County Council meeting in May. Their term of office therefore lasts for one year. The Scrutiny Commissioners are:

The Scrutiny Commissioners meet regularly to discuss the Scrutiny Commission’s work and have oversight of the other Overview and Scrutiny Committees’ work. They also have specific responsibilities to:

  • Maintain a dialogue with the Leader and Cabinet regarding reviews to avoid any duplication of effort 
  • Ensure that Overview and Scrutiny work takes account of officer and Councillor capacity
  • Take action on behalf of the Overview and Scrutiny bodies in commenting on matters referred from the Cabinet which are of an urgent nature
  • Oversee the preparation of the Overview and Scrutiny annual report