Carer's personal budgets

You may be entitled to a one-off or a regular carer's personal budget if you complete a carer’s assessment.

If you’re eligible for a one-off carer's personal budget, we’ll transfer the money we have agreed into your bank account. You’ll need to keep receipts of what you have purchased as we may want to check how this money has helped to support you in your caring role at your next review.

If you’re eligible for a regular carer's personal budget, we’ll agree a support plan together and how much money you might receive. This will be given as a direct payment which will allow you to pay for the services yourself and give you more choice and control about who you use.

What happens if I’m not eligible for a carer's personal budget?

We’ll explain why you’re not eligible for a carer's personal budget at this time. However, we’ll still provide you with information and advice to support you in your caring role. If your circumstances change, you can complete the carers assessment at a later date using the online portal.

You may wish to find out about benefits and financial support for carers and getting help to stay independent.

If you don’t agree with our decision, please  contact us on the Adult Social Care Portal to discuss further. They will explain the complaints procedure if you're still not happy with the decision.