Budgets under pressure, but council still performing well

A new report shows that the council is performing well but facing increasing pressure

Image for council performing well despite budget pressure

A new report shows that more over-65s are living at home and people are more satisfied with the support they receive.

The annual performance report shows that the council is performing well, but faces increasing pressure from continued funding cuts.

Improvements have been made because the council is joining up more with NHS services.  This has helped more people return home quickly after a stay in hospital.

The council has also seen an increase in dementia diagnosis and more people with learning disabilities being supported in their own home.

Looking at the wider population, the report highlights that the health of residents is generally better than comparable areas and people are living longer.  There are fewer cases of heart problems, fewer people smoke and more adults are physically active.

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We're on track to balance the books but funding uncertainty poses big challenges