Property plan unveiled

Smarter use of property boosts jobs and saves money

County Hall

A plan to help the county council save money, boost the economy and improve public buildings is set to be considered by its ruling cabinet.

Known as the corporate asset management plan 2016/17, it will help the authority meet its target to save £78 million over the next four years, through reduced running costs and increased income.


This ambitious plan shows how we can use our land and buildings as effectively as possible, to provide better facilities for public services, enable economic development and deliver reduced carbon emissions.”


The council owns around 700 property assets, worth £522 million. Of these, 68 per cent are schools and the council also owns more than 2,500 miles of roads.

The plan proposes a £45 million capital programme, funded by property sales and Government grants. This will deliver a range of measures, including:

Up to £32 million of investment in the provision of new schools and school extensions

Support for economic development and jobs, including the development of new industrial and workspace accommodation in Coalville, Market Harborough and other areas of the county, including rural workspace

Bringing forward sites for future housing and infrastructure requirements

Increased collaboration with other agencies, to support integrated and improved public services, including renting space at County Hall to partner organisations

Generation of £16 million from selling land and property

Successes from the previous strategy include installation of money-saving solar panels at County Hall and other buildings, leasing of space at County Hall to 450 NHS staff, the launch of the marriage and registration headquarters at Anstey Frith and the investment of £30 million in new and additional school accommodation.

Cabinet will discuss the report when it meets at 2pm on July 18.

View the Corporate Asset Management Plan 2016- 2017 report.


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