Support for young people involved with or at risk of crime

The Leicestershire Youth and Justice (Y&J) service is part of the wider Family Help Service. They offer a range of statutory and non-statutory interventions for young people experiencing difficulties that cannot be supported by universal services alone - such as schools or GPs.

One-to-one support available

These services provide personal support to young people, to improve different aspects of their lifestyle, such as behaviour management, emotional and physical health and wellbeing.

Anti-social behaviour reduction

Who is this for

This support is for young people associated with acceptable behaviour contracts (ABCs) or criminal behaviour orders (CBOs).

Aims of this support

Our ASB officer will work with local community safety teams and the police to support sign-ups for ABC’s (Acceptable behaviour contacts), civil injunctions and CBOs (Criminal Behaviour Orders) associated with young people aged 10 – 17. The officer will look to offer further support from the wider Family Help service.

Appropriate adults

Who is this for

This service is provided to young people being interviewed under the police and criminal evidence (PACE) act.

Aims of this support

Police notify us to let us know they have a young person in custody. An appropriate adult is then provided to ensure the young person is treated fairly and their welfare is looked after.


Who is this for

This is voluntary one-to-one support is for young people at risk of offending or have entered the criminal justice system through out of court disposal or a community sentence. It is typically for up 3 months but can be extended for up to 6 months for those with more complex needs.

Aims of this support

The level of intervention and frequency of contact is guided by the assessment and level of risk, in line with youth justice national standards. This may also be complemented with other interventions.

Standard and enhanced youth support

See our Support for young people page.

Project responsive


Out of court (OOC)

Who is this for

Out of court disposals are available to the police and each are guided by youth justice national standards (GOV.UK) and relevant guidance.

Aims of the service

Leicestershire Y&J team meet weekly with Leicester City’s children and young people’s justice service and the police and make joint decisions for out of court disposals.

Restorative approaches and victims

Who is this for

This service is for the children who commit the crimes, their victims, and the professionals who review and develop best practice regarding restorative approaches.

Aims of the service

Restorative justice provides opportunities for victims to be heard and have their say in the resolution of offences, and for children to make amends for their offending.

The restorative approaches co-ordinator works with victims of crime, case managers and children and their families, keeping all fully informed and offering ways to become involved in restorative work, to aid the recovery and prevent re-offending. The coordinator is also a key member of the restorative hub, which brings together colleagues across the team, to review and develop practice across Leicestershire.

Contact details

Youth Justice team

Monday to Thursday, 8.30am to 5pm and Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm

Twitter: @LeicsCFWSYouth

Facebook: LeicsYouth&Justice

Instagram: Leicsyouthjustice

Further information and requesting a service

For further information on our services, contact details and requesting a service, please visit our Help for children and families home page.