Call to find 70 new Leicestershire adopters

We're looking for people to transform children's lives

two people playing video games

A drive to encourage more people to become adopters and transform the lives of Leicestershire children has been launched.

We have 34 children in our care who need adopters to offer them a loving, permanent ‘Forever home’. These include babies, pre-school children, older children and children with disabilities or health issues.

The council is hoping to recruit 70 adopters this year to help meet the need.

Anyone can be considered, including people on their own or in a relationship, working or not working. You can adopt regardless of your race, religion, sexual orientation or financial situation - and time is spent matching children to families who can meet their needs.

Josh* and Adam* adopted their son Oscar* (names have been changed) through the council when he was just seven months old.


We’d always wanted a family and decided to embrace changes in legislation made a few years ago that enable same sex couples to adopt.

We went along to one of the council’s adoption information events, which was really useful as we got hear first-hand the experiences of people who had already adopted, as well as ask questions.

We had been thinking about adoption for a while, but the event made us realise it was something we really wanted, and were ready, to do.

We were a bit concerned about the process, but we found the council to be very supportive. The training was really good and provided us with a wealth of information and we valued having a good, supportive social worker.

It’s been absolutely amazing having Oscar in our lives. We love him very much and live our lives through him. Every day is different and it’s really exciting seeing him develop.


Adoption is a lifelong commitment and is about providing a child in care who cannot return home with a permanent and secure ‘Forever family'.


Adoption can transform lives; both for our adopters and for the children in our care who need loving, permanent ‘forever families’.

We’ve a friendly team who can explain a bit more about the process and answer any queries you may have. We also hold regular ‘find out about adoption’ events. You are welcome to come along and hear from people who have adopted with us before and meet some of the team.


Find out more here or call the adoption team on 0116 305 0505.


Watch our video below where Luke talks about his experiences of the adoption process


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