Report a road problem

You can tell us about problems or defects on roads or pavements in the county, such as potholes, through our online form.


Imminent risk: If you are contacting us about something - in the county - that could cause serious harm or pose an imminent risk to health and safety, please call us on 0116 305 0001.

Report it online

You can report most types of problems with county roads, pavements and public rights of way online.

Reporting online ensures we can use our Highway Management System to direct your report to the right place – select the link to report the problem directly: 

Road problems outside our responsibility

We are not responsible for dealing with every road problem. You may need to report your problem directly to other agencies such as National Highways, Leicester City Council and Leicestershire district councils.

How we deal with road problems


All potholes need to be classified, before repairs can be scheduled. 

When a member of the public reports a pothole, we will ensure an inspector visit to classify the problem within 14 days.

The pothole is classified according to how serious it is and this dictates how quickly it is fixed:

Category 1 defects

  • Needs prompt attention as they pose a hazard or a risk of short-term structural deterioration.
  • Temporary or permanent repairs will be carried out within 3 working days.

Category 2 defects

  • Needs attention but does not represent an immediate or imminent hazard.
  • These defects have a target repair period of 90 calendar days from being reported by the public or will be included in a future years highway maintenance programme.

Emergency response

  • These are those incidents or defects which due to their nature/size and or location represent an immediate hazard or very serious risk to the public.
  • In the event of an emergency incident or defect, we'll try to fix and make it safe while our inspection team check it. Making safe may include placing signs around affected area or closing off the area or road to keep the public safe. If we cannot fix issue at the time, we may need the inspection team to remain on site until the suitable resources arrive to make the defect safe.

Grit bins

Request a grit bin 

All requests for new salt bins must be submitted to your local Town, Parish, District or Borough Council:

Find your district council  


All bins are re-stocked at the beginning of the winter season. Grit bins are then re-filled as part of a schedule as and when resources and priorities allow. During severe weather, our resources are likely to be fully committed clearing priority routes and it is unlikely that salt bins will be re-stocked until the weather improves. We do not respond to ad hoc requests for grit bins to be refilled.

Damaged grit bins

Please use the online form to report a damaged grit bin. Where a parish council is responsible for the bin a replacement will only be provided if the parish meet the replacement or repair costs. Where Leicestershire County Council are responsible for the bin we will replace or repair the bin.

Grass, hedges and trees

Grass cutting is scheduled between March and October, but is dependent on weather and may be subject to change. For grass cutting issues, we will try and get these resolved as soon as possible.

Hedges and trees in general, are the responsibility of the adjacent landowner, although a small proportion do form part of the highway assets.

It may be worth notifying the adjacent landowner before contacting us, as they might be able to resolve the issue.  

We will ensure an inspector visits and investigates the problem within 14 days. Routine cutting of our highway owned hedges is restricted to between October and February, to avoid bird nesting season.

For privately owned tree and hedge issues, we will find out who is responsible and ask them to cut them back within a reasonable timescale. If the tree or hedge owner does not take action, enforcement of privately owned over-grown trees or hedges is required to follow a legal process. The timescale for the legal process can vary but is likely to take at least 6 months to resolve, and the end result may not entail cutting back the vegetation fully, but cutting back enough for safe use of the highway.

Weed spraying

There is a weed spraying schedule by borough or district within Leicestershire.

Further support

You can report any other highway issues by using the Customer Services contact form online. You will need to have an existing Self account or register for one to use the form.

Customer Services contact form