Could you be a foster carer?

More foster carers wanted in Leicestershire

A summer campaign has launched to encourage people to find out about fostering with their local authority.

Children across Leicestershire need residents in their communities to come forward to offer them loving, secure homes in familiar surroundings.

Leicestershire County Council’s fostering service is on the doorstep to provide regular placements to carers, as well as tailored support and specialist training every step of the way.


Leicestershire children need families from their communities to offer them loving homes.

Having local foster families means we can ensure our children have familiar surroundings and support during their time in fostering.

And by fostering with your local council, you know support, advice and training is available right here on your doorstep; it’s like being part of a wider community.

It is important that we encourage more potential foster carers to come forward to find out more about the rewarding and valuable role. Our priority is keeping children safe and supporting young people in the best possible way.


To find out more about fostering call the recruitment team on 0116 305 0505, email or come along to our next fostering open evening on Wednesday 3 August  from 6.30pm – more details at


Leicestershire Matters

Respond by Monday 23 September

Join us on 26 September at County Hall

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