Find out more about careers in childcare

Late January event geared to attracting more recruits

Pre-school children having fun

People across Leicestershire who are considering a new job or career change are invited to attend a 'careers in childcare' jobs fair being held at the NSPCC National Training Centre in Beaumont Leys on Monday, 27th January (3pm to 8pm).

The free-to-enter careers fair is being hosted by Leicestershire County Council as it looks to encourage more people to work with children up to the age of five.

There will be a range of stalls run by employers and training providers with information to take away and the opportunity to hear from people about their experiences of working in a variety of childcare roles.

There will also be information on the different courses available for starting a career in childcare. Stallholders include nurseries, colleges and universities from across the county.

There will also be a programme of talks on the day from a range of speakers sharing their stories of what it is like to work with pre-school children, the courses they run and their experiences as a childcare trainer. 


"We urgently need more people to work with young children  and there are a great many career options available in the childcare sector. We hope the careers fair will provide the perfect opportunity for anyone considering a career change, or even thinking about what to do after they leave school. This event will help them to discover the types of roles available across Leicestershire and the best way to get on to their chosen childcare career path.


The careers fair takes place at the NSPCC National Training Centre, Gilmour Close, LE4 1EZ.

To book a free place and to find out more about the event, including the scheduling of talks and information on the speakers, visit

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