Partners join together to welcome young refugees

New fostering project launches

Two people baking together, one cracking an egg and one stirring a cake

A new project aiming to find foster families for young refugees will be launched with a premiere event on Facebook on Thursday (1 October).

Place to Call Home is a partnership between councils across the East Midlands, led by Leicestershire County Council, seeking to recruit 40 foster carers and supported lodgings providers across the region.

The digital launch will take place at 10am on Thursday and feature details of the new regional campaign, a chance to hear from foster carer, Pat, and the young Vietnamese girl she’s currently fostering, and an opportunity to take part in a question and answer session.

At the end of March 2019, there were 310 young unaccompanied refugees who were in the care of local authorities in the East Midlands. Foster carers support these young people day-to-day, providing safety, security and a family environment.

Saffron (42) was a foster carer for unaccompanied young refugees for four years and is applying again to foster through the project.


I am passionate about caring for and supporting children and young people who arrive into the UK unaccompanied.

“It is important for me to make a difference and with this role, it gives me the freedom to be me and to take a different approach and think outside of the box while supporting others.”


There are many reasons why a young person may have been unsafe in their home country. The things they may have experienced, alongside arriving in a new country alone, without family or support, can be terribly frightening.

“We are very proud to be leading this project, and hope to find kind, caring and generous foster carers to care for and support these young people and offer them a place to call home.

“I would encourage anyone who feels they have the necessary skills or experience to foster to get in touch with the team and find out more about how the role could change the lives and futures of young refugees.”


A strong training and support package is in place for foster carers looking after young refugees and includes specific training relating to issues such as language barriers and the asylum process.

The launch event will take place on the project’s Facebook page, and the video will remain available to view.

For more information about fostering young refugees, and to register your interest in the launch event, visit or email


This project has been funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government under the Controlling Migration Fund. A fund to help local authorities respond to the impact of recent migration on their communities.

All nine of the local authorities within the East Midlands who have a statutory responsibility for children in care jointly bid with the East Midlands Strategic Migration Partnership within East Midlands Councils in October 2018. Leicestershire County Council is the leading local authority for this project.




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