The Cabinet

The Cabinet is made up of 10 members, including the Leader of the Council.

The Cabinet meets monthly and is responsible for the most important decisions affecting the council. It also makes recommendations to the council regarding the annual budget and major plans.

Browse minutes and agendas for Cabinet meetings

The Leader acts as the Chairman of the Cabinet and chooses up to nine other members.

Each Cabinet member is given specific roles or responsibilities:

Cabinet member Role
Mr N. J. Rushton CC

Re-appointed as Leader of the Council at the Annual Meeting in May 2024 and has appointed Mrs Taylor CC as Acting Leader, whilst undergoing medical treatment.

Mrs D. Taylor CC

Acting Leader of the Council

Children and Family Services (the designated lead member for children and young people)
Community Safety and Safeguarding
Regulatory Services
County Council representative on Police and Crime Panel

Mr. R. Ashman CC

Economic Development, Strategic Planning, Regional and Sub-Regional Policy

Mr L. Breckon JP CC Resources: Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) and Corporate Resources
Mr O. O’Shea JP CC Highways, Transportation and Flooding
(This includes the flooding responsibilities of the Environment and Transport Department, and the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy)
Mr B. L. Pain CC

Environment and the Green Agenda
(Responsibility for waste management and disposal sits with this portfolio, as does the County planning function, the Environment Strategy and related strategies. Also see note above regarding Resources)

Mr. J. Poland CC Transformation and its links with the MTFS (working with the Lead Member for Resources)
Mrs P. Posnett MBE CC Community and Staff Relations
(Includes Broadband)
Mrs C. M. Radford CC Adults and Communities
Mrs L. Richardson CC Health
Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board