Normally you will be referred to targeted services by health professionals or agencies e.g. GPs or schools.
Universal services are those, such as health visiting and school nursing, that are available to everybody and which all children and young people access. You are likely to first access these services following a visit to your GP or health professional.
Targeted services will involve offering support to children and young people with a disability, a medical condition and/or a special educational need who will probably be supported by one or more of these services through their life.
Details of both universal and targeted services available in the community for children and adults and can be accessed through Leicestershire Partnership Trusts.
For the purpose of the Leicestershire Local Offer we have worked together with health professionals to highlight some of the main services you might access:
Speech, language and communication
Learning disabilities including Autism, ADHD, Down's Syndrome
CAMHS Learning Disability Service
Learning Disability Primary Care Liaison Nursing Team
(Learning Disabilities Health Facilitation Team)
The Agnes Unit - Learning Disabilities Inpatients
Learning Disability Autism Service
NHS Neurodevelopment Transformation Programme newsletter
Autism support (NHS)
Autism Service for Adult Learning Disabilities
Community Learning Disability Service
Down's Syndrome information and pathway
Learning Disability - Short Breaks Service
Learning disability nurse (Acute Liaison)
Learning and behavioural difficulties in children - Paediatric Neuropsychology
Learning support for young adults
Mental health and wellbeing
Support for eating disorders
Adult Eating Disorders Service
Mental health for children and young people
CAMHS Young Peoples Team (Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland)
CAMHS Paediatric Psychology Service
Adult mental health therapy
Psychosis Intervention and Early Recovery (PIER)
Therapy Services for People with Personality Disorders (TSPPD)
Sensory or physical disability
Sensory impairment
Ophthalmology (Eye Department)
Physical health and therapy
Children's Community Occupational Therapy Service
Children’s Community Physiotherapy Service
Children’s Orthopaedics - musculoskeletal
Phlebotomy Service - blood tests
Podiatry Service - foot and lower limb care
Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)
Urology - kidneys, bladder, urinary tract and male reproductive organs
Caring for very sick and terminally ill children
Diana and Specialist Children's Community Nursing Service
Palliative Care Services - Hospice at Home Team 16+
Palliative Care Services - Macmillan team 18+
East Midlands Children’s and Young Persons’ Integrated Cancer Service (EMCYPICS)
Promoting healthy living and wellbeing
Your Health Your Choice
Choices Young People's Contraceptive and Sexual Health Service
Sexual health services (NHS)
Stop smoking - Young Person’s Service (Quit Ready)
Alcohol misuse (NHS)
Addiction support (NHS)
Nutrition and healthy eating
Breast feeding and infant feeding support (LPT)
Community health services
Designated Clinical Officer (DCO)
Designated Clinical Officers, amongst other duties, support the co-ordination of the health services for children and young people with SEND. Find out more:
Care Navigation Service
Finding the right sort of help across Health and Care can be difficult so a Care Navigator service has been developed to help you.
Care Navigators support the 0-19 Neighbourhood Clinicians in your area. This team includes: School Nurses, Health Visitors, Speech and Language Therapists, Assistant Practitioners and other Therapists that work within Family and Young Person Care (FYPC). They can support you to:
- Get the right services to support you
- Find local support networks
- Share the right information with professionals more easily
- Help co-ordinate health appointments