Our teams

We have a number of teams across the county to support children and families.

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Family Help, Vulnerability Hub and Youth Services

Location: Glenfield and county wide bases

Family Help provides targeted early help to families – and when needed, Child in Need services. The Vulnerability Hub provides support and intervention to children and young people at risk of exploitation and at risk of coming into local authority care. Youth services include youth justice service and youth support offer.

Family Safeguarding Service and Disabled Children’s Service

Location: Loughborough, Hinckley, South Wigston, and Coalville

Our Family Safeguarding Team supports children who have child protection plans or are going through the court process. Our Disabled Children's Service supports children with disabilities in Leicestershire.

Children in Care and Care Leavers

Location: Glenfield

Our Children in Care and Care Leavers Team supports children who are in the care of the Local Authority throughout their childhood into adulthood. This service also includes our Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children's Team.


Location: Glenfield

Our Adoption Team assesses prospective adopters, supports children who are moving into adoptive placements, and provides long-term therapeutic support for adopted children when needed. This team also provides support for children with special guardians.


Location: Glenfield

Our Fostering Team assesses prospective foster carers and kinship carers, and offers long-term support for carers.

Safeguarding, Quality Assurance and Practice Excellence

Location: Glenfield

Our Safeguarding Service provides independent reviewing officers for children in care or subject to a child protection plan, providing quality assurance activity, corporate parenting service and local authority designated officer. Alongside this our Practice Excellence Service supports the ongoing development of practice with children and families.

First Response

Location: Glenfield

Our First Response Service receives referrals and requests, completes initial assessments and recommends further involvement or support.