Hire a library room

Lettings outside of opening hours incur additional staffing costs and are dependent on staff availability. For Health and Safety reasons most lettings must have staff attendance for the duration of the letting. Charges are dependant upon the number of hours of the booking based upon a rate of £16.50 per hour with a minimum charge of two hours.


Charges are reviewed on a regular basis.  Please see below charges from 1 September 2023.

  • The  rates apply to hiring a room within opening hours
  • Outside of opening hours can be negotiated at an additional cost and are dependent on staff availability. 
  • Half day bookings are for 4 hours

Bookings may be made on an hourly basis

  • Community use - £12.50 per hour
  • Commercial use excluding kitchen £25 per hour
  • Commercial use including kitchen £31.25 per hour

Public liability

  • The hirer is required to have public liability insurance for the use of any of the premises, with a minimum cover of £5million
  • An additional 12 % +(10% insurance premium tax) or a minimum of £5 will be incurred to all letting charges to cover the hirer for the public liability insurance, which is inclusive of an insurance premium tax of 10%
  • If you already have public liability insurance or are covered by another policy, please inform the member of staff when booking the room

Community Preferential

  • £31.25 per half day,
  • £62.50 per full day
  • Use by voluntary organisations providing public advice & consultation within the public area of the building
  • Use by voluntary & non-profit making bodies to provide classes/activities at no charge to the public within the public area of the building
  • Community groups which are non-profit making, supporting the needs of individuals & groups re: lifelong learning; health; social welfare; citizenship; economic well-being; environment; culture; religion; recreation; personal development
  • Government, local government & other official bodies, including MPs surgeries
  • Charities & other organisations for fundraising activities, without admission fees
  • Voluntary organisations & other non-profit making bodies providing classes & other activities for which a charge is made

Commercial use - excluding use of kitchen and staff support

  • £62.25 per half day,
  • £125 per full day
  • Use by profit making organisations and bodies where no specific approval for free use or preferential rates
  • Social activities of any organisation (excluding racialist organisations)
  • All performances, festivals and exhibitions which are open to the public and for which an admission charge is made

Commercial use - including use of kitchen, excluding staff support

  • £81 per half day
  • £162 per full day
  • Use by profit making organisations and bodies where no specific approval for free use or preferential rates
  • Social activities of any organisation (excluding racialist organisations)
  • All performances, festivals and exhibitions which are open to the public and for which an admission charge is made

ICT Suites

  • £34 per hour


  • £55 per exhibition