App makes a point by encouraging activity

Scheme encourages walking and cycling

Better Points app

A free app has launched to encourage city and county residents to become more active as Bike Week continues until Sunday, 17th June.

The BetterPoints app allows residents to clock up the miles – and clock up points which can be translated into High Street vouchers or, perhaps, to support a favourite charity.

The app allows people to track their journeys by walking, cycling or using public transport – and earn the rewards in the process.


The BetterPoints app is a great way to encourage people to incorporate walking and cycling into their daily routines. The activities also make it fun for families to get involved and to become more active


 People can download the BetterPoints app to collect points for every cycling journey made and this could be cycling to and from work or going on a casual bike ride.

BetterPoints  also tracks your journey so cyclists can see exactly how far they have ridden, with an estimate of how many calories burned.

Councillor Adam Clarke, Leicester’s deputy city mayor for public health and the environment, said: “Using technology to log your activities can be a great motivator for getting more active – and there's lots of exploring opportunities on Leicester’s parks and streets.”

For more information about the app, visit BetterPoints

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