Walk or cycle to school to help safe return to classrooms

Council calls for pupils to actively travel to help social distancing

cartoon image encouraging people to walk, cycle, or schooter to school

More than 90,000 Leicestershire students are returning to school – and the county council says getting them there safely is a top priority.

So, the council is encouraging everyone to think about their travel options as part of practical guidance being made available about the return to the classroom.

Additional public transport services will be running for students, but, they are also being encouraged to leave more time for the journey. Please check websites of bus companies.

A similar message has gone out to parents and carers who take their children to school by their own transport.

People are being asked to consider cycling, walking or, even, scooting as well as thinking differently about the school drop-off, parking with extra care near school sites or a few streets away.

Also, if people are planning non-essential journeys around the ‘school run’, they are being asked to consider, if possible, travelling at a different time of day.


We want to see students safely return to school and we know that the schools themselves are understandably keen for their pupils to come back to the classroom.

I think everyone has a role to play in keeping schools safe and I would encourage the everyone to continue to observe social distancing, use face coverings where social distancing isn’t possible and continue good hygiene practices.


Read our back to school guidance  

Signs are on display near schools across the county, with information also available on the council’s Choose How You Move website – www.choosehowyoumove.co.uk

Parents may also be aware that some schools have set up ‘park and stride’ sites – that’s where those who need to travel by car are able to park up away from the school in quieter areas and then walk or even scoot with their children for the remainder of the journey.

Walk to School week is also already in many schools’ calendars, with activities being planned for the awareness week from 5th October.

More information on sustainable ways to travel to school as well as road safety advice and details on adult cycling is available on choosehowyoumove.co.uk/schools

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