Register or suggest a service

Register or suggest a service or group not already included in our directory of services.

We have created a directory with information about services and organisations that offer activities, help and support to children and young people (age 0-25) who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and their families.

We welcome suggestions for new services from young people, families, professionals working with young people with SEND or from organisations who offer support.

Search for services on the Information and Support Directory.

Register your service - information for organisations

Registering your organisation with our directory is free and will allow families from across Leicestershire to access information about your service via our website.

Who can register

The council welcomes registrations from a diverse range of services that offer specialist help to families with children or young people with SEND.

Types of services may include:

  • Advice, help and support
  • Social Care and health
  • Leisure and other activities
  • Childcare
  • Schools and colleges

How to register your service

Before you register:

  1. Your organisation must ensure:
  • that all families, including those with disabilities, can access your services

and should also:

  • be aware of and comply with the 2010 Equality Act, the 2014 Children’s and Families Act and the 2014 Care Act
  • have appropriate procedures in place including complaints, health and safety and safeguarding
  1. Read the terms and conditions:

All organisations will be expected to update their listings once a year or when we request them to do so.

When ready, register your service online:

Information and support directory registration

Suggest a service - information for families

We want the directory to meet the needs of all children and young people in Leicestershire with SEND and their families.

If your family uses a service which you find helpful, please let us know, so we can include it in our service directory.

Equally, if you feel that a certain type of help or support would benefit your family, but you cannot find anything to meet your needs listed in our directory, please let us know, so we can help.

How to suggest a service

Use the form below to provide details of any service or organisation you would like us to include in our directory of services.

This is your opportunity to tell us what you feel is missing and let us know about the type of services that would help you and other Leicestershire families.

Suggest a service

Indicates required field

Q1. Provide brief details of the type of services or specific organisations you use that you would like us to include in our directory​.

Q2. Where in Leicestershire is this service needed? (ie - the area where you live)

Q3. What type of services do you find particularly useful?

If you want to find out what we've done regarding your suggested service or organisation, please provide:


Early Years Providers

All Early Years providers should have a SEND report available on the Find a childcare provider pages of the Family Information Service.

Please complete the following form to generate your provisions Early Years SEND report:

Early years Local Offer for providers