Bikeability cycle training

Training in Leicestershire schools

Bikeability is a government-recognised, practical and professional cycle training programme, and we know that cyclists are more skilled and more confident once they’ve taken part. All three levels of Bikeability training are offered free of charge to Leicestershire schools. The courses are led by a team of Road Safety Tutors who are all qualified to instruct cyclist training.

Riders are usually trained in small groups – up to 6 trainees per instructor.

The three levels to Bikeability

Level 1

The Bikeability Level 1 course aims to develop mastery in cycle handling in an off-road environment and prepares riders for cycling on the road. Riders must be able to cycle (i.e. pedal and glide) to participate in Bikeability Level 1.

Level 2

The Bikeability Level 2 course aims to develop riders’ skills and confidence for cycling on single-lane roads and simple junctions with mostly moderate traffic flows (where riders encounter vehicles with progressively greater frequency in each module), and prepares riders for cycling on more complex, often busier or faster roads and junctions. Riders must have fully demonstrated Bikeability Level 1 National Standard assessment criteria before they start Bikeability Level 2 training.

Level 3 

The Bikeability level 3 course aims to develop riders’ skills and confidence so they can ride in diverse road environments, including complex, often busy roads and junctions, sometimes with speed limits above 30 mph. Successful demonstration of National Standard Level 2 is a prerequisite for participation in Bikeability level 3. 

How the courses are organised

Your school should contact the Safe & Sustainable Travel Team by email

Courses during school holidays

We also offer parents the option of booking their child directly onto a Level 3 course (please see prerequisite above).

Find out more information and book a place

For all Bikeability courses all riders will receive a certificate and badge for participating in the training.

Read more about the Bikeability scheme