The Police and Crime Panel

Responsible for supporting and challenging the Police and Crime Commissioner in his role to hold the Chief Constable of Leicestershire Police to account for the performance of the force.


Any general queries should be directed to

As well as publicly scrutinising the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner, the panel also supports the Commissioner.

The panel is made up of representatives from each of the local councils served by Leicestershire Police - Leicester City, Leicestershire and Rutland. The panel also has two independent members.

The panel meets at least 6 times per year and its meetings are open to the public. The Panel is currently administered by Leicestershire County Council.

Details of its meetings and membership can be accessed on our political management system.

Public question time

The panel accepts questions from members of the public which can be put to the Police and Crime Commissioner at its meetings. Please read the procedure for asking questions.


The Panel's constitution consists of:

PART 1 - Terms of Reference
PART 2 - Panel Arrangements
PART 3 - Rules of Procedure
PART 4 - Making a Complaint about the Police and Crime Commissioner or Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner
PART 5 - Role of the Police and Crime Commissioner


The Police and Crime Panel has a responsibility to informally resolve:

  • non-criminal complaints about the conduct of the Police and Crime Commissioner (and any Deputy Commissioner, if appointed) and
  • criminal complaints or conduct matters, that are referred back to it by the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

The Panel has agreed that all complaints about the conduct of the Police and Crime Commissioner will initially be dealt with by the Director of Law and Governance at Leicestershire County Council Lauren Haslam To make a complaint about the Commissioner please contact Lauren directly.