Healthy meals
We encourage healthy eating in schools, academies, and colleges by offering a variety of nutritious foods and balanced meals.
- We provide both vegetarian and vegan options every day.
- We work with NHS Dietitians to ensure that our primary school menu meets the Government School Food Standards.
Our current menu can be found at the bottom of this page - each school can choose their own selection of options from this menu, to meet the individual needs of their school community.
Allergen information
All school kitchens are provided with an allergen matrix - this is required by law and shows which of the 14 main allergens are present in each of the dishes on the menu.
We recommend that a medical diet menu is requested for all children who have an allergy/intolerance to food(s) or any other medical reason for medical dietary requirements.
Applying for a Medical Diet menu
You can make a medical diet request if your child:
- has an allergy/intolerance to food(s) or they need to follow a medical diet menu for any other medical reason;
- would like to have school meal regularly.
This service is only available for schools in the council's medical diet programme - if your school cannot be located on the online form, the school isn't part of the council's scheme.
To apply online you will need:
- A Self account to apply online. If you don't already have one, just Sign up using your email address:
- You will receive a verification email (check spam/junk folders) - click the link in the email to verify your account, add your name and address in the profile form and click Submit.
- An electronic copy of a letter from a Health Professional detailing the required medical diet, to upload to the form. You can ask your Doctor, School Nurse, Practice Nurse, Dietitian or Health Visitor to provide this to you in an electronic format.
Online Medical Diet Request Log in with your Self account details
After you have applied
Our Dietitians will produce a suitable medical diet menu for your child - please allow 4-5 school weeks for this to be completed (at certain times of the year this may take longer).
- The menu will remain as close to the standard menu as possible, to avoid children on medical diet menus feeling alienated.
- To safeguard the health of your child until you have received the medical diet menu via email, they should have a packed lunch provided from home.
- The School Meals Dietitians will make every reasonable effort to cater for all pupils’ medical needs, but for some really complicated dietary requirements this may not be possible - in this situation we will contact you to discuss the options available and it may be necessary to provide a packed lunch from home.
Genetically modified food
It's our policy that schools and colleges we work with do not knowingly purchase, prepare or sell food that may contain genetically modified soya or maize.
It has also been agreed with suppliers that they will not provide any food containing genetically modified ingredients.
This policy is regularly reviewed to take into account current research, current legislation and customer needs.
Free School Meals
Pupils may be entitled to Free School Meals. For more information on who can get Free School Meals and how to apply see: Claiming Free School Meals and application
Current school food menus
School Food Menu 2023-24 - 5 options (PDF, 767.8 KB)