Get active

Regular physical activity is good for your physical and mental health. It’s recommended adults get active for a minimum of 150 minutes every week, or 20 minutes a day.

It’s important you’re active in a way that’s right for you. This could be doing gentle stretches in your living room, getting active doing housework, walking the dog, visiting parks with friends, joining an exercise class, or having a go at parkrun.

Find inspiration to get moving in your own your way at Active Together - Let's Get Moving or search for specific activities and sessions in your area.

When you’re pregnant

It’s important you keep active during pregnancy. Active Pregnancy provides information and advice to help you move a little more during and after your pregnancy.

With your family

Enjoying active time with your family can be a great and fun way to spend time together. Active Families provides information about different activities in Leicestershire, including free and low-cost adventures for everyone in the family.

Older adults

Keeping active at every age is important to our physical and mental health and as we become older, strength and balance exercises can improve muscle tone and reduce the risk of falls. Active Older Adults provides a variety of activities, including specialist sessions.

Leicestershire self-referral into physical activity

Most people, even those with long-term health conditions, can self-refer into one of the local Health & Wellbeing teams for personalised support to move more. Find your local Physical Activity, Health & Wellbeing Team and start your journey to being more active.