A website launched as part of a campaign to Start a Conversation about suicide has received more than 120 pledges of support from individuals and organisations.
The aim of the website is to raise awareness and to tackle the impact of suicide in Leicestershire. It also makes sure people in distress have access to the help and advice they need, and supports people who have been bereaved through suicide. People and businesses can pledge their support to the campaign by highlighting the steps they will take to help tackle suicide and the issues surrounding it.
To pledge your support visit: startaconversation.co.uk
Since its launch, the website has received more than 30,000 hits with the most popular page after the home page being the ‘Advice and Support’ and ‘Get Help Now’ pages.
Getting people to start a conversation is one of the first steps we can take to help reduce suicide and improve adult mental health.
"We want to show that there is always a way out and a way forward and that there are groups and people out there who can help. I would urge anyone having such thoughts to have a look on the website, to make that first contact, take that first step and reach out.
Person:Cllr Lee Breckon, cabinet member for health and wellbeing
Start a conversation is a joint venture by Leicestershire County Council with close support from Leicester City Council, district councils, Leicestershire Police, NHS partners, the Samaritans and Turning Point.
The initiative works with a number of different individuals and groups including universities, GP surgeries, The Rural Community Council (RCC), Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide, the Armed Forces and Military, including veterans.
For more information visit startaconversation.co.uk The campaign is also on social media at #StartAConversation
To coincide with this year’s World Suicide Prevention Day the county council is planning a suicide prevention conference at Leicester City Football Club and is also in discussion with the football club to hold a suicide prevention awareness raising session.