Great Big Green Week sees council and communities working together to promote climate action

Great Big Green Week takes place from Saturday 10 June to Sunday 18 June

Green Big Green Week graphic logo

A week-long series of events is being held across Leicestershire to encourage residents to take part in community action tackling climate change and protecting nature. 

Leicestershire County Council is officially supporting Great Big Green Week, a nationwide campaign taking place from Saturday 10 June to Sunday 18 June.

A number of community-led events and activities will also take place during the week, including:

  • Net Zero Communities Network online event, 12noon until 1.30pm, Thursday 15 June, giving residents the opportunity to discuss the best ways of coming together to tackle climate change
  • The Carbon Reduction team will have stalls at Market Harborough Carnival on Saturday 10 June, Market Harborough Indoor Market on Thursday 15 June and Coalville’s Picnic in the Park event, Sunday 18 June. People will get chance to find out more about the council’s net zero ambitions and how they can get involved in their own communities, as well as contributing a letter or artwork to the Letters to Tomorrow project at the indoor market and Picnic events
  • A stall with lots of information on sustainable travel, biodiversity and waste reduction at Harborough Carnival on Saturday 10 June, plus the smoothie bike, badge making and an appearance by sustainable travel mascot Theo the Fox
  • Bike day at the Green Place in Sileby, Sunday 11 June, 11am-3pm, including free bike checks, repairs and advice, e-bike trials, guided ride and film show


Great Big Green Week is an excellent way for residents to get involved and learn how they can make planet-friendly changes to create a cleaner, greener Leicestershire.

Everyone can do something to help us on the road to becoming a net zero county and collectively, we can make a big difference.

We have recently reached the 250,000 milestone in our ambitious plan to plant 700,000 trees across the county, which is a major step forward in our journey to net zero and a greener future for Leicestershire.

All of this year’s events can be found on the Great Big Green Week website and the council will be sharing tips on its social media channels about how residents can be more environmentally friendly.

Residents can sign up to Environment Matters for the latest waste and environment news and find out more about the council’s work to address climate change on the net zero Leicestershire webpage.

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