Kick-start a healthy 2021 through county lifestyle services

Free tailored advice available

three people on a walk

People who are keen to make – and keep – healthier resolutions this new year can benefit from free, tailored help from the county council.

Both the council’s stop smoking and healthy eating services - Quit Ready Leicestershire and Weight Management Leicestershire - offer flexible, personalised advice and support programmes via telephone or video call.

More than 2,600 people across the county were helped by Quit Ready during 2020, while nearly 650 residents were supported last year by the Weight Management Service last year.

People who sign up to Quit Ready’s 12-week programme will work with a dedicated stop smoking adviser providing information and advice, as well as access to free stop smoking medication and quitting aids.

Smokers who choose to quit with an e-cigarette will be offered a free starter kit and follow-on nicotine liquids.

Hazel Paterson, a Melton resident who successfully quit smoking with the help of Quit Ready late last year, said: “I’m going to keep practising the positive habit changing techniques that my adviser has equipped me with, as it’s addressing these small changes that makes a huge overall change to your lifestyle and attitude.

“Quit Ready really is a game changer in the fight to quit smoking and I’m so grateful to them for getting and keeping me smoke-free. I wish I’d done it years ago!”

The Weight Management Service offers a similar programme of weekly support over the phone or digitally, delivered by one of the team’s dietitians or nutritionists.

Clients can take advantage of food plans, nutritional information and advice on factors such as emotional eating, all of which are based on the individual’s lifestyle and dietary preferences.

Ibstock resident Vikki Jones, who continued to lose weight after finishing her Weight Management programme last autumn, said: “My adviser was absolutely amazing – she was my rock throughout the programme. My head is in a much better place now.

“I’m looking forward to our three-month follow-up call – it helps to know that support is still available after the 12-week programme has finished, and at intervals in the future.”


2020 was a year of physical and mental health challenges and concerns for many of us. The new year is a great opportunity to take stock, examine our lifestyle choices and habits, and take steps towards living in a healthier, and ultimately, happier way. 

This is what our Quit Ready and Weight Management teams are here to support with, and we aim to make these services as accessible as possible for our residents over the coming year.


To get in touch with Quit Ready Leicestershire, call 0345 646 66 66, text ‘ready’ to 66777 or go to  

To contact Weight Management Leicestershire, call 0116 305 1510 or visit

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