Local area co-ordinators

Our Local Area Co-ordinators aim to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities. This helps to reduce demand on public services (mainly health and social care), preventing people from reaching crisis, and putting people in control of their lives and choices.

The 30 Local Area Co-ordinators will initially work closely with GP surgeries, adult social care teams and borough/districts in order to identify individuals who may benefit from support, as well as developing a presence within their local communities.

What do Local Area Co-ordinators help with?

  • Individuals: thinking about how to make life better and looking at what you have to offer
  • Connecting with others: linking people together and being part of a community
  • Information: finding out about what’s happening in your area and getting the right help from services
  • Taking action: making positive changes

What will this mean for communities?

  • improved health and wellbeing
  • fewer hospital / emergency admissions and visits to the GP
  • better quality of life; improved confidence and independence
  • stronger individuals, families and communities
  • more community links and social interaction - great community cohesion
  • positive use of community resources and buildings
  • increased levels of people taking part in volunteering, training or employment

Contact details and further information