Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs)

Plans to improve the cycling and walking networks in Leicestershire.

Following the adoption of our:

We are now in the process of developing Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans. These plans are for county towns and the urban areas surrounding Leicester City, in addition to supporting district authorities who choose to develop LCWIPs for other areas.

These plans set out the vision and priorities for cycling and walking improvements in each of the areas to create convenient and practical cycling and walking networks to help and encourage people to travel more sustainably.

Leicestershire County Council sought  your views on the draft LCWIPs for South of Leicester Area and Loughborough Area. We now have adopted plans for these areas.

LCWIP Development Programme
Area Public engagement:
on draft LCWIP networks
Public engagement:
on final draft LCWIP
Planned LCWIP
Loughborough Area (2021/22) Winter 2021/22 - complete Summer 2023 November 2023
South of Leicester Area (2021/22) Winter 2021/22 - complete Summer 2023 November 2023
Melton Mowbray Area (2022/23) Autumn 2022 - complete Autumn/Winter 2025 Winter 2025/26
North of Leicester Area (2022/23) Autumn 2022 - complete Autumn/Winter 2025 Winter 2025/26
Market Harborough Area (2023/24) Autumn 2023 - complete Winter 2024 Summer 2025

You said, we did

Summaries of previous LCWIP engagements are available to view on our You said, we did pages.

Adopted Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) 

Following on from our public engagement and cabinet approval we now have an adopted Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for Loughborough and the South of Leicester areas.

These plans set out the vision and priorities for cycling and walking improvements in each of the areas to create convenient and practical cycling and walking networks to help and encourage people to travel more sustainably.

Loughborough LCWIP

The Loughborough Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan along with an executive summary and associated evidence documents can be found below:

Supporting evidence base

South of Leicester LCWIP

The South of Leicester Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan along with an executive summary and associated evidence documents can be found below:

Supporting evidence base