Frequently asked questions about NEMMDR

Here are some of our most frequently asked questions. If you can't find what you are looking for though, please contact us on and we will be happy to help. 

What are the timescales for the project? 

Construction started in Spring 2023 and we're working to have the road open in early 2026.

What economic benefits will the scheme bring?​

Melton Mowbray will benefit with reduced congestion, improved journey times and greater reliability. It is expected that more visitors and businesses will be attracted to the area. ​ 

Carbon emissions will be reduced, and existing businesses will be able to benefit from more reliable journey times. ​ 

The scheme also supports and accelerates the delivery of significant housing delivery in the Melton North Sustainable Neighbourhood. 

Who is the contractor and how do I raise any concerns?​

Galliford Try are the contractor for the scheme.  Their Public Liaison Manager, Gino Salvatore can be contacted on 07918 640481 or email 

What time will the works be carried out?​

The majority of works will take place during normal working hours between 7am and 6pm, however to minimise impact and reduce traffic congestion some works maybe carried out outside of the normal working hours. For example, night shift work may be required for road surfacing to keep the road open for daily peak time traffic. 

Will there be construction traffic in Melton town centre? ​ 

We do not envisage any issues with construction traffic in Melton town centre. The majority of construction vehicles will be kept on site in the dedicated compound area. Site deliveries will be managed and arranged at off peak times to reduce any traffic congestion. 

How will the works impact traffic?

We will endeavour to keep the roads open, however, for safety reasons there will be times when a road will need to be temporary closed, and a diversion route will be provided and clearly sign posted. ​ Details will be published via our monthly newsletter, this website and social media, together with clear signage on site. 

Any businesses who may be affected can be assured that their requirements for deliveries and accessibility will be programmed into the scheme and will be discussed directly. 

Will you be working across the whole scheme at the same time?​

The scheme will be completed in phases in order to minimise the construction impact. 

What about the local wildlife and ecology?​

The scheme has a full-time ecologist working with the project delivery team to ensure that the works do not impact on the local wildlife habitats and surrounding area. A full assessment of the local ecology has been carried out prior to any work taking place and a risk mitigation plan has been agreed.  We are improving the ecology and habitat as part of the scheme. 

What will you do to safeguard wildlife and protected species during construction?​ 

With any major scheme, we always carry out surveys to determine what mitigations will need to be put in place to protect the environment and the wildlife that lives within it. ​ 

Specific legislation protects wildlife that’s listed as ‘protected’ or ‘endangered’ species.  ​ 

We’ve conducted surveys to find out where any protected species are around the scheme site, and used this information to make sure we mitigate for any potential disruption to these species. During construction and after the scheme is finished, we’ll be running more ecology surveys to check how the wildlife is doing. ​ 

All of the details of exactly what we’re surveying, planning to do to minimise our impact on local wildlife is in the chapter on biodiversity in our Environmental Statement. What we’re going to do to safeguard protected species during the work is also set out in the ‘Construction Environmental Management Plan’, which is also publicly available as part of our planning permission. 

How will the scheme affect local residents?​ 

During construction there will be some disruption affecting residents – noise from the works, dust, and diversion routes etc. Where possible, we will reduce the impact on the local residents – for example carrying out the noisiest work at the beginning of the night shift, ensuring construction traffic is managed and the local network is cleaned daily we will also aim to notify residents and businesses in advance of any disruption. ​ 

Once the road is open, we expect positive effects for local residents. The new road will offer a more attractive route for people who currently use local roads. It will also be more resilient, reducing the impact of incidents on the local network. 

What is the scheme doing for walking, cycling and horse riding routes?​ 

The scheme will endeavour to keep the public right of way access routes open whilst we carry out construction in the area. However, where there is a requirement to temporarily close a route then an alternative route will be provided where possible. There are proposed improvements to existing access routes, new cycle facilities being created, and Lag Lane will become a bridleway. 

Will local transport services be affected?​

The local transport companies are key stakeholders for us, and they will be notified of any works that will disrupt their services, which they can then pass on to their customers.​ 

Also, we won’t be impacting on train services but will keep National Rail informed in case they have any rail works that use rail replacement buses that might go on the network during our works.