Find a funded registered childcare provider
Help with childcare costs
Government help with childcare costs for parents:
- Childcare Choices: Help paying for your childcare
- Childcare you can get help paying for (GOV.UK)
Families may get help with some of their childcare costs if they attend an Ofsted registered or approved childcare setting – most of which also offer funded hours for 9 month to 2 year old children, 3 and 4 year old children, depending on family eligibility.
You should:
- Check your child is eligible
- Choose the right childcare provision for you
- Search for a childcare provider
- Check that your chosen provider is Ofsted registered. Your chosen provider must be registered with the local authority to receive the funding. To support you with the cost of childcare, check that they're registered to support the tax free childcare scheme.
- Sign a Parental Statement of Undertaking (PSOU). You should make sure you're fully aware of your provider’s offer and any additional costs, before signing a contract or Parental Statement of Undertaking (PSOU). The childcare provider will give the PSOU to you. Contact the childcare provider if you have any questions about the contract or PSOU.
Extra charges
The funding is designed to provide accessible affordable childcare for parents. However, you may be charged for:
- additional hours not covered by your funding
- late pick ups
- nappies, wipes or food
- additional activities and consumables
Contracts and disputes
You should be aware that:
- you will be entering into a legally binding contract with the provider
- The council cannot help parents or providers in disputes over contractual arrangements outside of the funded hours
- if you move your child to another provider, the funding will move with them
Find a childcare provider
We don't endorse or recommend services. We advise you to carefully consider which service is right for you and your child.
Our Family Information Directory can help parents look for childcare in their local area – use the postcode search to help you find the right childcare provider for you.
In Search by:
- add an organisation name or postcode and select Find
- from the filter list on the left select which type you want to search for eg. Childminder
- from the results list, view the information and contact details for a childcare provider by selecting the name.
Further reading
Care to Learn (GOV.UK). Scheme that can help with childcare costs while you study. You must be aged under 20 at the start of your course.