Preparing for adulthood

A young person in the kitchen

Becoming an adult has many challenges. We offer advice and support on a range of topics to help with this.

The help you get from us will usually change when you reach 18 years old. You’ll get help from Adult Social Care instead of Children’s Services. Moving from Children’s Services to Adult Social Care and planning your future is called ‘transition’.

There are lots of ways that you can and should have your views listened to.

Information about what to expect when a child moves from children's to adult health services.

As a young person, you may want to manage your own affairs and care so that you can be more independent.

You may be able to claim benefits or get financial help.

There are many different types of housing for a young person or adult with special educational needs, mental ill health or a disability (SEND). You can have continuous care, live in someone else's home or get help to live on your own or with friends.

You can get help to find and apply for a job or training. There are training schemes you can go on in Leicestershire.

When you reach 16 years old, you can choose to go on to get qualifications at a further education (FE) college or sixth form college.

If you’re disabled, you can get extra money and help, so that you can study at university.

We offer apprenticeships at County Hall and with other employers throughout the county.

Find out about keeping safe on the internet, who to talk to if you’re worried and how to get out of a bad situation.

Supported living is about having your own place to live, with the support you need.