An update to the 2015 Local Flood Risk Management Strategy was required, and we sought the opinions of residents and businesses as to the proposed changes.
Flood risk management strategy
Flooding has had a significant impact on local communities and businesses in Leicestershire. Climate change is predicted to increase the risk of local flooding and the impacts will be felt more widely.
Leicestershire County Council is the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for Leicestershire. As LLFA, we are responsible for developing, maintaining, and monitoring the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for Leicestershire.
The first Strategy was published in 2015. This revised and updated second version was published in 2024. The Strategy includes the principles, objectives and measures by which local flood risk will be managed. It also details roles and responsibilities, including the important roles of individuals and communities.
Action plan
The Action Plan lists the measures proposed to achieve the Strategy objectives. It includes timescales, benefits, and funding sources.
Assessment of local flood risk
This is a live assessment of local flood risk, including consideration of the impacts of climate change. The assessment will be updated periodically as new information becomes available.
Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) policies
The policies describe how the county council as LLFA will fulfil certain duties or exercise legislation. Each policy is introduced in the relevant objective section of the Strategy.
Habitat Regulations Assessment
The Habitat Regulations Assessment meets the requirements of the ‘Conservation of Habitats and Species (amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (‘the Habitat Regulations Assessment Regulations’). It considers the impacts of the Strategy upon European designated sites, such as the Mease Special Area of Conservation.
Strategic Environmental Assessment
The Strategic Environmental Assessment meets the requirements of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 (the ‘Strategic Environmental Assessment Regulations’). It provides an assessment of the Strategy objectives and measures against Assessment objectives with economic, environmental, and social scope, whilst Appendix B provides the policy context for the Strategy, including related plans and legislation.
Flood risk management policy documents
Preliminary flood risk assessment (PFRA)
The PFRA gives a summary of flood risk in the county. It includes looking at flooding from the following sources:
- surface runoff
- groundwater
- ordinary watercourses
and any interaction these have with main rivers and the sea.
Surface water management plan
The surface water management plan is used to identify areas where there is a high risk of surface water flooding, which could happen because of heavy rainfall. The plan outlines a preferred strategy for managing the risk of surface water flooding.
Flood investigations
To increase our understanding of issues and sources of flooding Leicestershire County Council (acting as Lead Local Flood Authority) has carried out the following investigations into flooding incidents within the county. Each investigation includes a summary of the issues found, any actions and potential mitigation for a flood.