Local Nature Recovery Strategy

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How the LNRS should be developed


Local Nature Recovery Strategy engagement

We would like your input to help us agree the strategy and then create a plan to deliver it. Have your say before 26 May 2024.

The LNRS will be developed in a methodical way as prescribed by government and tested by 5 pilot projects that took place across England.

The steps below outline the methodology for producing the strategy: 

Prepare and publish

Step 1: Map areas that are of particular importance for biodiversity including national conservation sites, local nature reserves, local wildlife sites and irreplaceable habitats 

Step 2: Map areas where action for nature recovery has been taken where LNRSs are reviewed and republished 

Step 3: Describe the strategy area and its biodiversity and opportunities for recovery 

Step 4: Agree LNRS priorities and identify potential measures (Statement of biodiversity priorities) 

Step 5: Map areas that could become of particular importance (Local habitat map) 

Further information about what a responsible authority should include in a LNRS is found in the government’s statutory guidance.  

Responsible and supporting authorities should read this guidance about what to include in a LNRS alongside The Environment (Local Nature Recovery Strategies) (Procedure) Regulations 2023. The regulations set out the process they must follow when they prepare, publish, review and republish their strategy. 

Review and republish

Authorities that are responsible for delivering the LNRS will need to review the strategy and report on progress with its partners and stakeholders within 3 to 8 years of the initial strategy being approved. Thereafter, strategies are expected to be reviewed approximately every 5 years.


As the responsible authority - the authority appointed to lead on the development of the LNRS - Leicestershire County Council is expected to work to the following principles: 

  • Transparency - be able to show how partner contributions have been considered, how decisions have been made, and what the basis for them is 
  • Inclusivity - enable everyone with an interest to be involved where possible 
  • Clear communication - avoid using technical terms that may not be understood by partners and end users