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Other grants and organisations funding tree planting

Find out about what's available for Leicestershire.

Woodland Trust

Free trees for schools and community groups

If you are a member of a community group, parish council or school you can apply for free trees from the Woodland Trust.

Trees for your farm (agroforestry funding)

Trees for your farm provides 500+ trees to improve productivity of your farm. Funding up to 100% of costs for agroforestry schemes. Read more about the agroforestry funding scheme.

If you have any queries regarding trees for your farm funding, please email


The Woodland Trust can subsidise up to 75% of the cost of hedgerows over 100m that create new ecological links with existing woodland. Read more and apply for the MOREhedges scheme.

Tree Council

The tree council offer a range of free tree schemes to enable the planting of trees, orchards and hedgerows. The schemes are aimed at community groups, Tree Warden Networks and Schools. Further information can be found on The Tree Council website.

The Conservation Volunteers (TCV)

The I Dig Trees scheme by TCV is open to community groups and will supply free packs of 50 trees for local projects. Apply on The Conservation Volunteers website.

Forestry Commission

For larger woodland creation projects, the Forestry Commission offer a range of grant schemes with the England Woodland Creation Officer (EWCO) in particular aimed at farmers and landowners to encourage investment in woodland creation.

These woodlands will help to mitigate climate change, deliver nature recovery and provide wider environmental and social benefits.

The scheme is open to applications all year round. Further information can be found within the Woodland grants and incentives overview table at GOV.UK.

People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) orchard grants

Orchard grants aim to get new trees planted in old orchards and to help community orchards be planted. To date over 2800 new trees have given over 270 orchards a new lease of life.

International Tree Foundation (ITF)

The International Tree Foundation supports grassroots community engagement in tree planting, from community orchards to native woodland planting, awarding grants of up to £6000 to local community projects.