Air your views on accommodation strategy

There’s still time to have your say on proposals to help shape the future accommodation needs of older people in Leicestershire.

Image of older lady getting help in her home

People are being invited to put across their views in a 12-week consultation which will run until Friday, 23 September. The consultation is available at:


We’re seeking their views so we can best identify the general accommodation needs of older people.  The borough and district councils are the housing providers and they will have a pivotal role to play as key partners.


"The population of older people in Leicestershire is increasing. For example, over the next 15 years there will be a 40 per cent increase in the number of 75-year-olds and over so we want people to start planning now for their later lives."

The proposals, outlined in a draft strategy, show how the county council wants to ensure that people have information so that they can start to plan now for their later lives, as well as receiving the support they need to maintain their independence.

 ​The draft strategy, approved by Cabinet back in June, also details the different types of accommodation available, such as extra care – developments which have 24/7 care and support – assisted living schemes, houses which can be adapted to meet future needs, and residential care.



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