Consultation planned on residential and nursing care fees

Cabinet to consider care fee changes

a person using a walking stick

Residential and nursing care providers are being encouraged to have their say as we look at changing the way we pay care fees.

Subject to cabinet approval next week, a consultation will launch seeking views on a proposed new approach to the way the prices for residential and nursing care are agreed.

The consultation would launch in two stages:

  • The first, to start in November, would focus on simplifying the approach and fees structure to a two band for older adults. As well as realigning the council’s quality requirement with those of the Care Quality Commission.
  • The second, to start early 2019, would include the proposed fee rates, which would take effect from 1 April, 2019.

We’re continuing to face significant financial challenges, but we’re fully committed to continuing to support those who need residential or nursing care.

“We want to set fees that are sustainable for care homes across Leicestershire, so they can continue to offer a quality service.


The cabinet will discuss the report when it meets at 2pm on Tuesday, 16 October.

Watch the meeting online  

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