Deadline looming for budget feedback

You can have your say until 15 January

County council's budget proposals

There’s just over one week left for people to comment on our budget plans, designed to protect public services and support vulnerable people during tough economic times.

Consultation on the proposals, which include an extra £57m investment in service user support, a five per cent Council Tax rise, £508m major capital investment over four years, £59m of efficiency savings and £4m of service cuts, closes on 15 January.

Although councils fared better than expected in the Government’s Autumn Statement, the financial outlook remains extremely tough with the authority’s budget gap set to rise to over £90m by 2026.


Our priority is ensuring vulnerable people continue to receive services they depend on, despite soaring year-on-year demand. That’s why our plan earmarks an extra £57m for support – but this also means that difficult decisions lie ahead.

Local government is facing an ever increasing squeeze on funding so service reductions and a Council Tax increase also feature in our proposals.

Balancing our £504m yearly budget is a complex balancing act. With the financial pressure growing, there’s never been a more important time to get involved and help shape future decisions.
Deputy council leader, Deborah Taylor

The budget proposals include:

  • £57m more to support vulnerable people - to pay for more home and residential care, and support people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities and mental health needs. The number of home care users has increased by 600 since January 2020.
  • £59m of efficiency savings – reducing back office costs by maximising digital technology, simplifying processes and providing the right level of support to residents 
  • Service cuts totalling £4m - including reviewing waste sites, streetlighting, Green Plaques and Shire Grants 
  • A £508m four-year capital pot - for the cost of building roads, schools and other one-off projects
  • A five per cent Council Tax rise for 2023/24– this equates to £1.39 a week for a band D home and generates £17.7m for front line services

The consultation runs until 15 January - find out more and comment    

Paper copies of the survey are also available by emailing: 



Find out more

  • Following the consultation, the council’s cabinet will agree final proposals before the budget is agreed at a meeting of the county council on 22 February.
  • The council’s yearly budget totals £504m.
  • District councils, police, fire and parish and town councils all make up portions of residents’ Council Tax bills. A five Council Tax rise in the county council’s share includes a two per cent adult social care levy – and would mean an average band d home would pay £1,525.


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