Leicestershire residents get real about recycling this Recycle Week

The campaign highlights that recycling doesn’t have to be confusing or time-consuming

Recycling really makes a difference

As a national recycling campaign begins, Leicestershire County Council is encouraging residents to think twice about what they’re putting in their recycling bins in a bid to make the county a cleaner, greener place to live and work.  

From food waste to nappies, a variety of non-recyclable items are still being incorrectly disposed of in recycling bins across the county.

Putting in the wrong items can damage machinery, cause recycling loads to be rejected and cost the council money, as well as have a big impact on the environment and climate change.

During Recycle Week, which runs until Sunday 23 October, the council wants to highlight that recycling doesn’t have to be confusing or time-consuming.

Most people recycle, but residents don’t always get it right and one item in the wrong bin can make whole lorry loads unrecyclable.

But there are simple things we can all do to make a positive difference, improve the quality of Leicestershire’s recycling and help us become a net zero county by 2045.
I would encourage all residents to visit www.lesswaste.org.uk to find out what can and can’t be recycled in their area.

Here are our top tips:

  • Recycling should be clean and dry, so make sure to empty food and drink containers, give them a quick rinse and then leave to drain before recycling.
  • Remember to put lids back on to jars and bottles before popping them in your recycling bin.
  • Don’t forget to recycle items from all rooms in the house – including cleaning product bottles, toilet roll tubes and kitchen foil.
  • Nappies and food waste don’t belong in the recycling bin and should be placed in your general waste bin.
  • Textiles can be taken to a charity shop or clothes bank.

Residents can find useful tips on reducing, reusing, and recycling their waste on the Less Waste website.

There is also a quick guide to recycling on Leicestershire County Council’s YouTube channel.

Recycle Week is the UK’s annual event to build awareness of and encourage increased participation in recycling behaviour. It is organised by WRAP under the Recycle Now brand and takes place between 17 – 23 October.

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