New Leicestershire Matters - out now

The summer edition of our residents' newsletter is dropping through letterboxes

Summer 2024 Leicestershire Matters magazines

Our residents' newsletter, Leicestershire Matters, features our latest news and is out now.

The summer edition gives you an insight into the events taking place during the school holidays and celebrates our outstanding rating from Ofsted.

Also inside the 16-page newsletter: 

  • Driving transport - How we're making tracks to shape bus plans
  • Three decades of fostering - hear from an inspirational couple
  • Bringing down costs - how our changes are driving innovation and reducing costs
  • An update on new school places to support a growing county
  • How Personal Assistants help people who need support - and how you can be one!
  • Residents helping swifts into a new era
  • Trading Standards advice - including car boot advice
  • Supercharging rural areas - lightning-fast broadband coming to the countryside
    Opens new wind

Read the summer edition: 

Leicestershire Matters is delivered to homes from Monday 22 July

We work closely with a delivery company to monitor delivery rates but please let us know if you become aware of any issues by contacting our Communications Team:

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Leicestershire Matters

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We're on track to balance the books but funding uncertainty poses big challenges