National funding boost for county library and heritage services

The funding will support access to culture and a targeted programmes of activities in libraries, museums and local communities

Anand Mangal Ladies Group

Leicestershire County Council’s Libraries and Heritage Services, which operates from 21 venues across the county, is to receive more than £750,000 funding from Arts Council England’s (ACE) National Portfolio Organisation (NPO).

The funding will support access to culture through collections, stories and expertise across the county, and a targeted programmes of activities within libraries, museums and local communities, led by Culture Leicestershire, the county council's outreach team.

Library and heritage services will work with other NPOs, the voluntary sector, creative practitioners and education providers to ensure cultural provision responds to the needs and interests of all communities in Leicestershire.

The service will work with ACE over the next few months to finalise details, with funding due to commence in April 2023 and run until March 2026.

We are delighted that ACE have recognised the huge potential of Leicestershire’s libraries and heritage services.

The NPO programme will build on - and extend - the reach of our quality resources and opportunities, encouraging people to explore and enjoy their cultural heritage in ways that work for them.

Local artists will work alongside participants to enliven and give greater impact to our service offer and contribute to the county’s rich cultural offer. Culture will be more accessible and relevant to people across our county.

The National Portfolio Organisation is a highly competitive programme which provides funding to help deliver cultural and creative activity.

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