Plans to improve cycling and walking move step nearer

More than 2,400 responses illustrate public interest

Cover of document showing walkers and cyclists

Bold plans to boost cycling and walking by creating more networks, revamping routes and teaming up with schools and workplaces have been unveiled.

The county council’s ambition to improve the cycling and walking network across Leicestershire is outlined in a report.

This followed a consultation which attracted more than 2,400 responses with the feedback being discussed by Cabinet members next week before the expected green light is given to the cycling and walking strategy (CaWS) and an accompanying action plan. 


We wanted people to share their experiences of travelling around the county – whether they currently cycle and walk or not – and they did that in their thousands. 

Now, subject to Cabinet approval, we have to progress the strategy safe in the knowledge that there is wide support for our ambition to encourage more cycling and walking and create healthier, greener communities


The CaWS sets out a vision to upgrade and provide cycle routes, cycle parking, and pedestrian facilities to create healthy streets and spaces. It will also include the provision of traffic education measures and cycle training for schools and workplaces to increase the number of cyclists and walkers. 

The initial target over 10 years is to increase cycle and walking trips to schools and employment by 10 per cent and a rise in walking and cycling trips in the county by 15 per cent. 

Mr O’Shea added: “This target is a starting point. We will keep it under review to make sure that we are doing as much as we can to meet the challenges of improving public health, air quality and tackling congestion – all big priorities of the council.

The survey also brought out a number of improvements which cyclists and walkers – as well as the public in general – would like to see as part of the strategy.  

The suggestions include:

  • Segregated spaces for cyclists and walkers around Leicestershire as well as improved crossings, with more priority for cyclists, particularly at junctions;
  • Improved lighting, signage and road markings;
  • New developments to support active travel;
  • Greater law enforcement and more education for cyclists, similarly more education for drivers about being aware of cyclists;
  • Reflecting the needs of rural areas



The council says the CaWS will provide the evidence base behind future plans to improve pavements and cycleways, as well as supporting funding bids to Government. 

Subject to Cabinet approval, another immediate action will be to develop a number of local, county-wide plans to improve cycling and walking infrastructure.

Following a study to identify priority areas, the next areas will be Loughborough and the south-east quadrant of the Leicester Principal Urban Area, which includes Oadby, Wigston and Blaby.

Cabinet will meet to discuss the cycling and walking strategy on Tuesday, 20th July, the meeting can be watched live at

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