Tractor protest – travel disruption expected

County council aware of planned protest this weekend

The improvement work will mean some temporary road closures.

We are aware of a planned protest in the form of a tractor convoy on Sunday 2 February.

There are a significant number of tractors due to gather in a field off the B6047, aiming to leave the area and onto the A6 towards Market Harborough at 10am.

The tractors will travel on the A6, driving a loop of Market Harborough via the A4304 Rockingham Road, St Mary’s Road, The Square and on to the High Street B6047. They will then join the A6 towards Leicester.

The tractors will travel the length of the A6, to Leicester city centre. They will then make their way back to the starting point.

It’s anticipated there will be significant disruption around the town centre as the convoy makes its way round.

Please allow extra travel time in and around Market Harborough, particularly for access to Market Harborough train station and along the A6 heading into the city.

The tractors will have a police escort for the duration of the protest to ensure the safety of all road users and pedestrians while the tractors are in convoy. There will be police officers on foot and on motorbikes assisting with temporary roadblocks to allow this event to go ahead safely.

We are in contact with our partner agencies across the city and county and will be pushing out messages via our website and social media channels to inform residents and road users.

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