Urgent call for Specialist Foster Carers

People with professional backgrounds in caregiving are being urged to come forward as specialist foster carers

Young boy looks into the camera

An urgent appeal has been launched for people with professional backgrounds in caregiving to find out more about becoming specialist foster carers.

From April, Leicestershire County Council is offering up to £1067 a week, plus allowances, for the role which provides children and young people with an alternative to residential care – ‘children’s homes’.

Information events are being held over the coming weeks in a bid to share information about the role and recruit carers for the 60+ children and young people in need of the support in the county.

Suitable experience could include teaching, health care or policing, as well as other positions that support children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND), or complex behavioural or emotional needs.

Many of our young people in care require an extra level of care, attention and love to reach their full potential.

We want to help set them up with the very best chance of succeeding in life, and this is partially done through carefully matching them with appropriate specialist foster carers.

If we cannot provide specialist foster carers then the alternative is for a child or young person, who may be as young as 10, to go into residential care.

And while this can provide an excellent standard of care, it’s not a family home with the specialist focused care our specialist foster carers provide.

We’ve had young people tell us that staying with specialist carers has been life changing. So, if you think you have the skills and would like to make a real difference, please do come along to one of our events, or contact our team for more information.

Councillor Deborah Taylor, county council lead member for children and families
  • A drop-in information event will be held at The Wycliffe Rooms in Lutterworth (LE17 4ED) on Tuesday, 26 March between 3-7pm.
  • The Fostering Team is also holding a virtual ‘Find Out About Fostering’ event on Wednesday, 3 April between 6.30-8.30pm. This informal event is open to all those interested in fostering in general, but there will also be a talk about specialist fostering schemes. Registration for this event can be done through completing the 'Join a fostering event' form.

Those wanting to find out more about specialist fostering with Leicestershire County Council can visit the fostering in Leicestershire website. Alternatively, they can email the Fostering Team at fostering@leics.gov.uk, or call them on 0116 305 0505.

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