Your chance to nominate Net Zero Heroes

Your chance to nominate individuals or groups who are taking positive climate action in their communities

Net Zero Heroes logo

An exciting new initiative has been launched by Leicestershire County Council to celebrate individuals and groups across the county who are making a difference in the fight against climate change. 

The Net Zero Heroes scheme invites residents to nominate individuals or groups who are taking positive climate action and living sustainably in their local communities. 

The scheme aims to shine a spotlight on the inspirational efforts of local people contributing to the county’s ambition of reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Nominations are open for a wide range of climate-focused activities, including but not limited to:

  • Nature projects such as tree planting, rewilding, or creating a community garden   
  • Environmental volunteering in the community or setting up volunteer groups   
  • Installation of renewable energy sources or retrofitting their property or community buildings with energy saving measures   
  • Reducing private car use by cycling, walking and using public transport, and promoting active travel in their community   
  • Educating others about environmental issues   
  • Establishing reuse or repair services  
  • Charitable work focused on sustainability and supporting the environment   
  • Becoming a flood warden or tree warden

Net Zero Heroes is a fantastic opportunity to recognise the incredible work happening across Leicestershire to combat climate change. Every small action contributes to our shared goal of a sustainable future.

I encourage everyone to think about those in their community who are making a real difference and take a moment to nominate them. I am looking forward to hearing about the inspiring work being carried out by people across the county. 

Together, we can celebrate their achievements and inspire even more people to take positive action.   

Nominate a Net Zero Hero on our Net Zero web pages.

Leicestershire Matters

Eight-week consultation to for people to have their views on local health services

Sessions will include 'Sensory fun', 'Mini Movers' and language workshops

The Hospital Discharge Grant is for carers aged over 18 and available for those who have recently left hospital

Watch our meeting online

The consultation runs until Friday 28 February