Passenger transport

Passenger transport is changing in Leicestershire and, at the same time as the county council is facing significant challenges, we are also trying to offer a better service for residents.



Covid-19 has impacted significantly on passenger transport across Leicestershire and as a result our work on the county council’s Passenger Transport Policy and Strategy reviewing a number of subsidised bus services was paused. Read about the National Bus Strategy below.

The county council has received government support for passenger transport during the pandemic and this links with the government recently publishing a National Bus Strategy.

The National Bus Strategy requires all English local transport authorities to work with operators to come up with bold plans for improving their local bus services and encouraging more people to use them. At its meeting on 22 June 2021, the county council’s Cabinet gave its formal commitment to this by approving the publication of a:

This will be a formal partnership between the authority and local bus operators that will work to deliver better bus services for the communities and businesses of Leicestershire. Government has pledged £3 billion in funding across the country to help deliver these plans, and Leicestershire is aiming to secure a fair share of that funding.

An important input to the plan has been finding out what you think would improve local bus services and what would make you use local buses more. We conducted an engagement survey between 15 June to 30 July 2021 and have been keen to hear from people who already use buses and from those who currently don’t. We also sought views from public, private and voluntary organisations who have an interest in making our bus services work better.

Further reading about PTPS

Here's a short film explaining what Demand Resposive Transport is: