About the Local Transport Plan

The local transport plan shows how we'll work to make sure that transport continues to play an important part in Leicestershire's success.

The Local Transport Plan (LTP) is a statutory requirement of the Local Transport Act 2008, and the key mechanism for delivering integrated transport at a local level. It helps to promote transport as an enabler to deliver on economic, environment and social objectives by planning for infrastructure and initiatives to help people and goods travel around.

Leicestershire’s Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3) is coming to an end in 2026, and it no longer accords with national planning, transport, and environmental policy. It also has a limited focus on health and well-being and the potential benefits that active travel provides in this area for local communities.

We think it is time to refresh Leicestershire’s LTP to allow us to address new and emerging transport needs. This will be the 4th revision, known as LTP4. An updated LTP4 will enable the council to deliver transport solutions to benefit local communities, visitors, and businesses through the county. These will aim to:

  • Meet the current and future needs of all users in a coordinated manner and enable travel choices 
  • Benefit all transport users including car drivers, freight, public transport, walking, wheeling, and cycling 
  • Provide wider public health, economic, and environmental benefits for local communities
  • Provide the best value for money to taxpayers.

The Local Transport Plan (LTP4) will also provide the strategic case and narrative to support the development and implementation of the programme for various funding streams including LTF, Roads Resurfacing Fund and Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP), which have been announced by the Department for Transport.