Child employment rights

Information on your responsibilities as a parent when their child goes into employment.

Information for parents and children

Parents responsibilities when their child goes into employment

You should monitor your child’s employment to make sure they have a positive experience of work and aren’t being exploited.

You should read the information about the hours children can work and the types of work children aren’t allowed to do.

We will only issue a work permit if, as the child’s parent, you‘ve signed the Work Permit Application Form - this shows us you’ve seen the form and are happy for your child to be employed.

Before signing the Work Permit Application Form, check the employer details section that explains the type of work and hours your child will be doing.

You should only sign the application form if you’re completely happy with all the details of the job they’ll be doing.

Preparing your child for work

You can prepare your child for work by:

  • explaining that they’ll need to do things to a certain standard and within the time set by their employer
  • advising them on how to handle tricky situations

Ways to keep your child safe

You can keep your child safe at work by:

  • meeting their employer and giving them your contact details before your child starts work
  • making sure you know exactly what your child is doing and regularly asking them about their time at work
  • making a note of the times they are working
  • looking out for any changes in your child’s behaviour, appearance, routine or habits
  • reminding them that they don’t have to put up with anything they’re uncomfortable with and explaining that any form of exploitation or abuse is wrong

Information for children

If you’re at school and you want to work, your employer must get you a child work permit.

To help you to have a positive experience and stay safe at work while earning some money, you should read the child employment information: