Pathway foster carers

We are looking for people with the necessary skills and experience to care for a young person who is moving on from residential care.

Pathway Foster Carer

Contract: Full-time

Pay/Salary: £38,163 - £41,387 (2 young people in placement: £82,774)


Find out more or Register your interest

Our Pathway Carers receive generous financial allowances, bespoke training and 24 hour support.

If you have a spare bedroom and believe you have the right experience for this role, call on 0116 305 05 05 or fill in the form below.

Tell me more about pathway foster caring

Indicates required field

1. By phone

Call us on 0116 305 0505

Lines are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm, and Tuesday and Thursday 8.30am to 8pm

Or text WEAREFAMILY to 60777

2. Using our secure fostering enquiry form

Please give us the details below and we'll be in touch.

How did you hear about us?

*it's unlikely you will have a period of time without a child in placement.