What do Short break carers do?
Short break carers offer a regular enjoyable break for some of Leicestershire’s children and their families for at least one weekend per month. Carers and families are carefully matched in order to build a supporting relationship based on the skills of our carers and the time they are available to look after young people.
Short Break children profile
Some of the children who benefit from our short breaks scheme have physical, emotional and or behavioural difficulties that they will need you to manage and support them with. What they all have in common, is their need for a regular break with people they can look forward to seeing and who are able to care for them, whilst their family has a break.
I like to know what is happening and where I'm going as i can sometimes worry about these things. I also sometimes need help with my homework such as with my spelling and maths. But most of all I love fish fingers for tea!
Make a difference to their lives, call 0116 305 0505 to discuss becoming a short break carer with one of our friendly staff or fill in the form below for more information.
Who can be a short break carer
Our carers can work full time or part time in other types of employment. This role is flexible and can be tailored to suit you, your skills and what you can offer to make a difference to a young person’s life.
There is a minimal requirement to offer one weekend care a month of 1-2 overnight care and or up to three weekends a month of 1-3 nights care with additional time in the school summer holidays and/or provide day care placements (alongside the over- night care).
I like my routine and clear boundaries, but I like to help out so always include me as I'm a great helper and love to be involved
Training and support
Short break carers will receive training, ongoing support and a generous remuneration package. If additional equipment or adaptations are needed in order to accommodate our young people, then we will work to provide this, where appropriate.
How do I find out more?
If you have relevant skills and experience of looking after young people, have a spare bedroom and could offer a caring and happy short break to a young person on a regular basis, then we would love to hear from you. Short break carers will receive training, ongoing support and a generous remuneration package. If additional equipment or adaptations are needed in order to accommodate our young people, then we will work to provide this, where appropriate.