Different levels of support for children with SEND

Examples of reasonable adjustments in mainstream settings to set expectations about mainstream provision for different need types.

The Inclusive Practice Toolkit has been designed to give guidance on the provision that should be in place in a mainstream classroom for different types and levels of SEND need. The toolkit doesn't form a ‘tick list’ structure, but a framework that can be used to guide support for children and young people with SEND.

If a child or young person’s needs are significant, then it isn't a requirement to consider suggested actions/provisions at the lower levels of need. If a school and parent/carer agree that support must be started at a higher stage, then this should be done as required.

Further consideration must be made towards pupils who may be withdrawn or masking their SEND needs - relationships and coproduction with parent/carers are particularly paramount to support this cohort.

Types of provision

Learn about the different levels of provision and the key principles that sit behind them.

Expectations of mainstream schools

Need types

SEND Support Plan

If the school remains concerned that your child is making less than expected progress, they may consider creating a SEND Support Plan for your child.

Give us your feedback on how we can improve the toolkit

Information for schools