Inclusive Practice Toolkit - frequently asked questions

Find answers to the most common questions relating to the Inclusive Practice Toolkit and give us your feedback on what can be improved.

Who is aware of the toolkit?

Training for the toolkit has been delivered to SEND service providers within the local authority. All mainstream schools, social care, and SEND Hub will also be invited to access the training webinar.

How will the toolkit be kept up to date?

We will conduct a biannual review of the toolkit, to ensure that all information remains up to date. If you have any suggestions / corrections for the toolkit, then please use the feedback form to let us know.

How do we know the toolkit is being used?

We capture a range of data about the toolkit including how many visits it gets. These, along with user feedback, will be monitored as part of a review cycle to ensure the toolkit is being used effectively.

How do we know the toolkit is working?

We are putting a framework in place to ensure that there is continuous review of inclusive practice for SEND in Leicestershire, based on direct feedback from the school system. From this, it will be possible to understand whether SEND inclusion and practice is improving.

What happens if the toolkit isn't used / working?

The aim of the toolkit is to have a common language around inclusive practice for supporting children with SEND. Through direct feedback from schools, professionals, and parents / carers, as well as data analysis, we will be able to see whether the toolkit is working to improve SEND inclusion and support.

Is there a big enough focus on preparation for adulthood and transition planning?

After feedback from the system, adding a section on setting transitions and preparation for adulthood will be a key part of our next steps for developing the toolkit in our review meetings.

Upcoming changes to the toolkit

As next steps in the development of the toolkit, we plan to:

  • update the settings guidance and directories
  • add an additional section on preparation for adulthood and transition planning
  • update the annual review process

Give us your feedback

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