Phone 999 if a crime is being committed or if someone is in immediate danger.
When to report abuse to Adult Social Care
If the adult you are concerned about is not in immediate danger, but is:
- at risk of being abused
- being abused in a care home
- being abused by a care worker in their own home
you should report your concerns to Adult Social Care Customer Service Centre:
Report online using the Professional Portal
(above form to be used by professionals only to report abuse of an adult)
Find further information and guidance about the Adult Social Care Portal.
or contact:
Adult Social Care
Telephone: 0116 305 0004
(Monday to Thursday, 8.30am to 5pm, Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm)
Emergency Duty Team
Telephone: 0116 305 0888
(Evenings, weekends, Bank Holidays)
Who is an adult at risk
An adult at risk is someone who:
- has needs for care and support - whether or not Leicestershire County Council is meeting any of those needs
- is experiencing, or are at risk of, abuse or neglect and
- as a result of these needs are unable to protect themselves against the abuse, neglect or risk of abuse or neglect as a result of their needs
How to recognise abuse
Examples of abuse include:
- physical - hitting, slapping, rough handling, restraining roughly, using medication to keep someone drowsy
- neglect - causing someone harm by not giving them the care or help they need
- psychological - making threats of harm or abandonment, harassment, humiliation, intimidation, verbal abuse, bullying, isolation or cyber bullying
- financial or material - pressuring someone to give away money, stealing money, benefits or belongings
- sexual - rape, indecent exposure, being made to do something sexual or watch something sexual that they don't want to, didn't agree to or couldn't agree to
- organisational - repeated instances of poor or inappropriate care in a care home or by a group of carers, such as rigid and insensitive routines or lack of privacy
- modern slavery can include human trafficking and forcing someone to work for little or no pay
- self neglect - when an adult at risk does not take care of their own basic daily living needs
- discriminatory - where someone is being harassed or mistreated because of their ethnic origin, religion, faith, language, age, sexuality, gender or disability
- domestic abuse
Who is an abuser
An abuser can be anyone:
- relatives and partners
- friends and neighbours
- care workers and volunteers
- another resident of a care home or other users of a service
- someone paid to provide a health or social care service
- strangers
What happens after you report abuse
We will take steps to ensure the immediate safety of the adult at risk and anyone else who may be affected.
We'll then talk to the person about what they want to happen, investigate the allegations of abuse with our partner agencies, and take appropriate action. This is called a safeguarding enquiry.
If the adult at risk is unable to speak for themselves, they can choose someone to act on their behalf such as a friend or family member. If this isn't possible we can arrange for an independent advocate to support them.
We will always do what we can to prevent abuse happening again. We'll keep everyone involved informed of the outcome and provide support where needed.